Monday, February 25, 2008

A turning point

This is the first post on a new project of mine. I'm out of work, broke, depressed, moving to a place with one of the highest unemployment rates in the country and I have a baby on the way. This blog is my inspiration to take back my own life through understanding financial management, personal finances, and work-life balance.

Here goes!

The name for this blog was chosen because pennies and pounds represent the same thing: waste on a small level, financially, ecologically, or materially will hurt the whole as much as waste on a larger level. On the flip-side, attention to detail and frugal living as a movement will change the scape of our world just as much as if corporate waste was eliminated. Each purchase- or lack thereof- is a vote cast in the marketplace. Our consumer-driven society must return to its roots with sustainable living, and a balanced lifestyle.

Let's get living!

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